The Strait Guys

The Strait Guys are coming to the Washington, DC area. I will be presenting the film in person with Strait Guy Scott Spencer, the chief project advisor of the InterContinental Railway, and co-star of the film. I'm very excited about finally getting to share the stage with Scott, who has not yet seen the film together with an audience. The whole event is happening Saturday, June 22nd at 1 p.m. at the AFI Silver Theater and Cultural Center in Silver Spring, Maryland. The film is playing in the Global Peace Film Festival sidebar of the Nepal America International Film Festival. I hope to see lots

Leading polar cruise company Oceanwide Expeditions has invited me to screen my film The Strait Guys and tell stories about my adventures filming in Arctic Alaska and Russia on board their July 2-10 cruise to Spitsbergen (Svalbard). That’s the archipelago north of the northernmost point of Norway, way up close to the North Pole. We'll spend eight days cruising around Spitsbergen, and will even help clean up trash along the shore. Let's keep the beautiful Arctic clean! In order to make the whole thing work, I need to recruit at least seven passengers for the voyage. Sound like fun? Well come hang out

On Thursday, January 25, 2024, I was a guest of the Keller Revue at the Brecht Haus in Berlin, where I presented excerpts from The Strait Guys and told anecdotes about my adventures shooting the film in Alaska and Russia. It was a great honor to present my work to a capacity crowd in the former home of the legendary German playwright Bertolt Brecht. The event was streamed live and can be watched here. A big thanks goes out to my colleagues who shared the stage with me, Isabel Fargo Cole and Ann Gaspe, the event organizer and moderator Martin Jankowski and

The latest Our Man in Berlin newsletter is out now. Read about Rick's recent adventures with Lenin's head, his upcoming "performance" at the Brecht Haus in Berlin, the German TV broadcast of The Strait Guys, and a chance to travel to the top of the world Spitsbergen/Svalbard (Norway) with Rick this summer.

Rick presented The Strait Guys at the Moldox International Documentary Film Festival for Social Change, running from June 21-25, 2023 in Cahul, Moldova. It was the first screening of the film in a former Soviet republic. The film was well-received, and the screening was followed by a lengthy discussion about George and his vision of connecting the world by rail. Moldox is a small, excellently-curated festival in the self-proclaimed cultural capital of Moldova, Cahul. The festival director Maxim and his wonderful team were very welcoming, and there were ample opportunities to taste the fine Moldovan wine which is still a

Rick was the mystery guest on Leon Logothetis' weekly podcast "Spontaneous Moments of Conversation". View the video or listen to the podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. In this unscripted conversation, the "Kindness Guy" Leon meets Rick for the first time, and asks him about his life as an American independent filmmaker living in Berlin. Much of the conversation focuses on Rick's most recent film The Strait Guys, which is being released theatrically throughout Germany on June 2nd.